Fall Furnace Servicing Guide

Repairman vacuuming inside of a gas furnace during a cleaning.Before winter comes blowing in, it is essential to make sure your furnace is in good working condition. This means in the fall, you should have routine service done on it to check all the essential parts and get it ready to work hard over the long winter months.


Part of your fall maintenance should be calling in a service professional to go over your system. A professional is best at handling this because he or she will be trained in all the details, including safety. Having it professionally serviced will also help ensure it doesn’t break down, which is not something you want to happen in the deep freeze of winter.


Professional furnace repair and service involves going over each part of the system to ensure it is working properly and is in good condition. Parts that will be checked include the heat exchanger, burners, fan switch, pilot light and assembly, safety controls, gas line, air openings, flue pipe, controls, belts, and the overall temperature and performance. Parts will be cleaned and lubrication applied where needed. If any repairs are needed, they will also be done.


You may actually need some major repairs or even a furnace replacement. If you notice signs that your system is beginning to wear out, you may want to alert the service person of them. Signs include strange or new noises during operation, less heat being produced, an increase in electric bills, a pilot light that is a color other than blue or trouble starting the system or keeping it running. Additionally, the average life of a system is 12 to 15 years, so if it is falling within or beyond this range, it may be time for a replacement.


Making sure to have your furnace serviced every fall is an important part of your home maintenance routine. You want to be sure your system is going to run smoothly and properly all winter long and that begins with proper servicing.


For a furnace inspection and servicing give us a call at A-1 Better Handyman. We’ll not only provide a thorough inspection, but we’ll also take care of any repairs or replacements that are necessary. For pricing information or to set up an appointment click here for a quote.

csearsFall Furnace Servicing Guide